Mevlana Lipp (DE, 1989)

  • Mevlana Lipp (°1989) lives and works in Horhausen, Germany.

    Mevlana Lipp is German artist with a fascination for the natural world, exploring the symbiosis between art and nature. His sculptural pieces are a mix of different materials, blending the haptic qualities of sculpture, with his interest in the narrative and atmospheric qualities of videos.

     His aesthetic is deep and unapologetically beautiful. Through a perfect balance of feeling and reason, and intuition and technicality, he achieves a transformative power in his work. With the democracy of beauty Lipp honors the primary part in each of us. The part that can connect without words and thoughts. They are often the root of much suffering. These artworks threaten and admire, celebrate, and warn, provoke existential fear and vitality.

     The artworks glow in the dark, echoing the bioluminescent power of nature. The close-ups of these highly stylized, dream-like, exotic flowers, as if from another planet, evoke feelings of paradise, bringing about a sense of calm, as the viewer is totally immersed in the details and absolute beauty of the elements. It talks about the greatness of nature, an idyllic paradise that both entraps and awes, a metaphor for the sublime.

     Mevlana Lipp studied at the Art Academy Düsseldorf and was granted the title Meisterschüler by Thomas Grünfeld. He has exhibited throughout Germany, Belgium, UK and Denmark among others.


Selected artworks


Daan Couzijn (NL, 1994)


Jasper Nollet (BE, 1998)