Terms and conditions

Projects & advisory

Terms & Conditions

If you buy or order something from A.P./Studio (Artist Proof Studio (APS)) or appeal to one of our services, you agree to the conditions below.

1. General provisions

These terms and conditions of sale are binding. The client is deemed to be aware of the terms & conditions and fully agree with them. The client is who placed an order, the supplier is who accepted the order. Any deviation from this sales conditions can only be made in writing and with the approval of both parties. The adjustment or addition of conditions is done in consultation between both parties.

2. Ownership

Unless otherwise agreed in an official written agreement, they remain intellectual property and visual deliverables in any form also owned by Sharing Art BVBA and may not be reused, adapted, reworked or distributed in any modified form without prior written permission from us. If this does happen, one is legally guilty of unfair competition or an act of imitation. The The client may, unless otherwise agreed, issue the work before or after delivery not of requirements.

Intellectual property includes everything related to concept development, (design) proposals, designs, programming, implementations and all other facets within one project that has common ground with the creative and artistic process. This is physical, digital, 2D, 3D as in spatial form.

Sharing Art BVBA is the umbrella company under which the following brand names are used used within communication: Gallery Sofie Van de Velde, PLUS-ONE Gallery, The Wunderwall, Artist Proof Studio. The general terms and conditions remain in force at all times, regardless of which under Sharing Art BVBA, acts as a supplier and communicator within a project.

3. Corrections

Two standard correction rounds are provided for the proposal in each project. Additional correction rounds are carried out at an hourly rate, on top of the quotation. Adjustments to a project after approval of the proposal will be charged on top of the agreed amount predetermined hourly rate. Any delays incurred as a result are the responsibility of the client. Additional corrections within the externally addressed partners within a project are always carried out at an hourly rate, on top of the quotation. Verbal or telephone corrections are at the risk of the client. Delays in the agreed deadlines incurred due to additional correction rounds are excluded under no circumstances under the responsibility of the supplier.

4. Proofs and ready for print

Printing proofs not provided for in the quotation will be charged for. Changes are required to be communicated in writing. The supplier undertakes to carry this out correctly and to submit a new test for approval. Delays resulting from changes of the initial assignment are under no circumstances the responsibility of the supplier. After transferring a good for printing in consultation with the client, the supplier is released from all responsibility during or after printing. The good for Print remains the property of the supplier and can serve as evidence in the event of a dispute. The different printing processes mean a difference in the reproduction of colors. The supplier guarantees the most faithful reproduction possible within the technical possibilities. Testing and tests to view the result on the final support or other types of color tests will be charged extra.

5. Digital environment and applications

When registering internet domain names or registering on other digital platforms and applications, Sharing Art BVBA is generally obliged to provide the name, company name, address, e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers, the start and expiry dates of the registration and the associated pass on name server information to the organization that manages the domain extension. This information is usually publicly accessible. The public nature of this information is inherent to the operation of the domain name procedures and falls completely outside the authority of Sharing Art BVBA with regard to the possible use of this information by these organizations or third parties. Data leaks incurred within this procedure, for example due to inaccurate operation or confusing communications within this process or incurred by the third party no clause under the responsibility of the supplier.

6. Deadlines

Designs are stored for up to 1 year after completion of the assignment. Single This period can be extended at the written request of the client. Costs this will be charged. The delivery period only starts when the supplier has received all has the necessary documents in his possession. The days lost due to default approvals from the client are added to the delivery period. In case In the event of force majeure, the supplier bears no responsibility and cannot partially or completely cancel the contract cancel the assignment without financial consequences. Quotations remain valid for 1 month. Expires after 1 month the quotation and it must be adjusted to current prices. When the supplier within a project is made responsible for the purchase of production materials, he is able to describe the prices as flexible prices within the quotation. When raw materials increase significantly and noticeably during the course of an assignment make a difference to the proposed quotation, the supplier has the right to raise this with the client and include this additional cost in the quotation.

7. Presentatie

Sharing Art BVBA en alle bovenstaand vermelde werknamen behouden het recht om projecten te tonen in hun portfolio. Sharing Art BVBA en alle bovenstaand vermelde werknamen verwijzen in hun portfolio op de website of andere commerciële documenten naar gerealiseerde projecten of projecten in ontwikkeling. Daarbij worden enkel algemeen gekende gegevens bekendgemaakt zoals de naam en aard, gemaakte content van het project en een link naar een website. Klanten die dat wensen kunnen zich niettemin verzetten tegen deze vermeldingen.

8. Klachten en aansprakelijkheid

Elke klacht of protest moet schriftelijk en aangetekend worden verzonden binnen de acht dagen na levering. Zelfs indien de opdrachtgever de leveringsbon niet ondertekend wordt door de opdrachtgever, begint deze termijn van acht dagen direct na levering. Een gedeeltelijke benutting van de artikels heeft eveneens het ingaan van de termijn tot gevolg. Geleverde en toevertrouwde materialen van welke aard dan ook blijven onder de verantwoordelijkheid van de opdrachtgever. De leverancier kan niet aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor verlies of beschadiging van deze goederen. In geval van overmacht draagt de leverancier geen verantwoordelijkheid en kan hij gedeeltelijk of geheel de opdracht afbreken zonder financiële gevolgen. Wanneer de opdrachtgever na goedkeuring van de offerte beslist de opdracht af te breken, is hij verplicht de reeds gepresteerde werkuren te vergoeden, met een minimum van 30% van het totale bedrag van de offerte. Voor eventuele geschillen zijn alleen de rechtbanken van Antwerpen bevoegd.

9.1. Agreements, invoices and payment

When drawing up the agreement or order form, the client will not be able to do so appeal to clerical or arithmetic errors in the unit price or the total amount. All prices indicated are excl. VAT, unless expressly indicated as incl. Is there one with the client? fixed price has been agreed, this will only relate to the price stated in the agreement mentioned activities and services of Sharing Art BVBA. Any work and Services that are provided in addition to or in modification thereof will be provided on the basis of subsequent calculation will be invoiced to the client at the usual rates. Any shipping costs or transport and accommodation expenses are always borne by the client. All invoices must be paid no later than 30 days after receipt invoice. For amounts less or equal to 1,500 euros excl. VAT, it will be the agreed amount invoiced in full after completion of the project. For amounts higher than 1500 euros excl. VAT production costs are invoiced in advance at 100%, other works require an advance payment of 30%. The first works will only be carried out upon proof of payment. Unless otherwise in writing agreed.

A.P./Studio supports the Creative Fair Play manifesto of Flanders DC and Creative Network: https://creativefairplay.com

Sales agreements

Terms & Conditions

If you buy or order something from A.P./Studio (Artist Proof Studio (APS)) or appeal to one of our services, you agree to the conditions below.

1. General provisions

These terms and conditions of sale are binding. The client is deemed to be aware of the terms & conditions and fully agree with them. The client is who placed an order, the supplier is who accepted the order. Any deviation from this sales conditions can only be made in writing and with the approval of both parties. The adjustment or addition of conditions is done in consultation between both parties.

2. Ownership

Unless otherwise agreed in an official written agreement, they remain intellectual property and visual deliverables in any form also owned by Sharing Art BVBA and may not be reused, adapted, reworked or distributed in any modified form without prior written permission from us. If this does happen, one is legally guilty of unfair competition or an act of imitation. The The client may, unless otherwise agreed, issue the work before or after delivery not of requirements.

Intellectual property includes everything related to concept development, (design) proposals, designs, programming, implementations and all other facets within one project that has common ground with the creative and artistic process. This is physical, digital, 2D, 3D as in spatial form.

Sharing Art BVBA is the umbrella company under which the following brand names are used used within communication: Gallery Sofie Van de Velde, PLUS-ONE Gallery, The Wunderwall, Artist Proof Studio. The general terms and conditions remain in force at all times, regardless of which under Sharing Art BVBA, acts as a supplier and communicator within a project.

3. Corrections

Two standard correction rounds are provided for the proposal in each project. Additional correction rounds are carried out at an hourly rate, on top of the quotation. Adjustments to a project after approval of the proposal will be charged on top of the agreed amount predetermined hourly rate. Any delays incurred as a result are the responsibility of the client. Additional corrections within the externally addressed partners within a project are always carried out at an hourly rate, on top of the quotation. Verbal or telephone corrections are at the risk of the client. Delays in the agreed deadlines incurred due to additional correction rounds are excluded under no circumstances under the responsibility of the supplier.

4. Proofs and ready for print

Printing proofs not provided for in the quotation will be charged for. Changes are required to be communicated in writing. The supplier undertakes to carry this out correctly and to submit a new test for approval. Delays resulting from changes of the initial assignment are under no circumstances the responsibility of the supplier. After transferring a good for printing in consultation with the client, the supplier is released from all responsibility during or after printing. The good for Print remains the property of the supplier and can serve as evidence in the event of a dispute. The different printing processes mean a difference in the reproduction of colors. The supplier guarantees the most faithful reproduction possible within the technical possibilities. Testing and tests to view the result on the final support or other types of color tests will be charged extra.

5. Digital environment and applications

When registering internet domain names or registering on other digital platforms and applications, Sharing Art BVBA is generally obliged to provide the name, company name, address, e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers, the start and expiry dates of the registration and the associated pass on name server information to the organization that manages the domain extension. This information is usually publicly accessible. The public nature of this information is inherent to the operation of the domain name procedures and falls completely outside the authority of Sharing Art BVBA with regard to the possible use of this information by these organizations or third parties. Data leaks incurred within this procedure, for example due to inaccurate operation or confusing communications within this process or incurred by the third party no clause under the responsibility of the supplier.

6. Deadlines

Designs are stored for up to 1 year after completion of the assignment. Single This period can be extended at the written request of the client. Costs this will be charged. The delivery period only starts when the supplier has received all has the necessary documents in his possession. The days lost due to default approvals from the client are added to the delivery period. In case In the event of force majeure, the supplier bears no responsibility and cannot partially or completely cancel the contract cancel the assignment without financial consequences. Quotations remain valid for 1 month. Expires after 1 month the quotation and it must be adjusted to current prices. When the supplier within a project is made responsible for the purchase of production materials, he is able to describe the prices as flexible prices within the quotation. When raw materials increase significantly and noticeably during the course of an assignment make a difference to the proposed quotation, the supplier has the right to raise this with the client and include this additional cost in the quotation.

7. Presentatie

Sharing Art BVBA en alle bovenstaand vermelde werknamen behouden het recht om projecten te tonen in hun portfolio. Sharing Art BVBA en alle bovenstaand vermelde werknamen verwijzen in hun portfolio op de website of andere commerciële documenten naar gerealiseerde projecten of projecten in ontwikkeling. Daarbij worden enkel algemeen gekende gegevens bekendgemaakt zoals de naam en aard, gemaakte content van het project en een link naar een website. Klanten die dat wensen kunnen zich niettemin verzetten tegen deze vermeldingen.

8. Klachten en aansprakelijkheid

Elke klacht of protest moet schriftelijk en aangetekend worden verzonden binnen de acht dagen na levering. Zelfs indien de opdrachtgever de leveringsbon niet ondertekend wordt door de opdrachtgever, begint deze termijn van acht dagen direct na levering. Een gedeeltelijke benutting van de artikels heeft eveneens het ingaan van de termijn tot gevolg. Geleverde en toevertrouwde materialen van welke aard dan ook blijven onder de verantwoordelijkheid van de opdrachtgever. De leverancier kan niet aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor verlies of beschadiging van deze goederen. In geval van overmacht draagt de leverancier geen verantwoordelijkheid en kan hij gedeeltelijk of geheel de opdracht afbreken zonder financiële gevolgen. Wanneer de opdrachtgever na goedkeuring van de offerte beslist de opdracht af te breken, is hij verplicht de reeds gepresteerde werkuren te vergoeden, met een minimum van 30% van het totale bedrag van de offerte. Voor eventuele geschillen zijn alleen de rechtbanken van Antwerpen bevoegd.

9.1. Agreements, invoices and payment

When drawing up the agreement or order form, the client will not be able to do so appeal to clerical or arithmetic errors in the unit price or the total amount. All prices indicated are excl. VAT, unless expressly indicated as incl. Is there one with the client? fixed price has been agreed, this will only relate to the price stated in the agreement mentioned activities and services of Sharing Art BVBA. Any work and Services that are provided in addition to or in modification thereof will be provided on the basis of subsequent calculation will be invoiced to the client at the usual rates. Any shipping costs or transport and accommodation expenses are always borne by the client. All invoices must be paid no later than 30 days after receipt invoice. For amounts less or equal to 1,500 euros excl. VAT, it will be the agreed amount invoiced in full after completion of the project. For amounts higher than 1500 euros excl. VAT production costs are invoiced in advance at 100%, other works require an advance payment of 30%. The first works will only be carried out upon proof of payment. Unless otherwise in writing agreed.

A.P./Studio supports the Creative Fair Play manifesto of Flanders DC and Creative Network: https://creativefairplay.com