Doctor of Arts, Ritsart Gobyn
Gallery artist Ritsart Gobyn has succesfully defended his doctoral research in the arts at LUCA School of Arts at KU Leuven (Royal University of Leuven) and will now be addressed as doctor.
This doctoral research, ‘From Deception to Insight. The Trompe l’Oeil as a Source of Painterly Reflection’ (original title: “Van bedrog naar inzicht. De trompe l’oeil als bron van schilderkundige reflectie”) explores how the trompe l’oeil as a painterly visual strategy can be used to stage a contemporary artistic creation process, to reflect together, with the viewer, on where the act of painting begins and ends.
It thus explores the critical potential of this age-old and artisanal painting strategy, as a source of (self)reflection in a contemporary visual culture dominated by technological acceleration and spectacle.
The doctoral thesis was supervised by Professor Dr. Tom Van Imschoot (LUCA School of Arts / KU Leuven), co-supervised by Professor Dr. Thierry Lagrange (KU Leuven), Bas van den Hurk (AKV St. Joost School of Art & Design, The Netherlands), and Dr. Bert Danckaert (AP School of Arts).