Sergio De Beukelaer


14.05.2017 — 25.06.2017

The exposition On.Titled is the second part of an exposition project that started with the exposition Sub.Titled (2016).

With Sub.Titled, an essential element was the breaking of the image through lines and bars. Now the idea is further developed towards dealing with 'monochrome shapes' or monochromy in general. With On.Titled (2017), 'distortion' (geo.morf) and 'to break itself' (auto.morf) play an important role.

The exposition can be divided into two parts: fat.canvasses being 'distorted' by another image, and a second group of monochrome 'Volumes' that break themselves. All of these results fall under the concept of 'On.Tilted', i.e. to remove or distort an image whereby a new image is generated... A tension between balance and distortion occurs, all these images are covered by the 'geo.morf' concept.

Despite the geometrical approach, the authenticity and visual recognition is still there... Paradoxically, the distorter is a visual feast of 'balance', namely the idea of a spirit level, which in this way again leads to realism...

  • On request

  • Exhibition: 14.05.2017 - 25.06.2017

    PLUS-ONE Gallery
    New South district location
    Léon Stynenstraat 21
    2000 Antwerp (BE)


Exhibition views


Antwan Horfee


#infiniteflowersplusone #1 & #2