Lars Morell (BE, 1980)
Lars Morell (°1980) lives and works in Oslo, Norway
The work of Lars Morell encompasses and questions the visible/invisible and what seems to be something that it is not. This iconography has been thoroughly developed, outlining a space where the boundaries between reality and fantasy are blurred. Distorted shapes, seemingly growing over the canvas, elegantly point back to previous series of painting, drawing, photography and sculpture. We see coloured constructs that at first glance are reminiscent of branching root systems; we recognize the outlines of chains and hooks. It is as if the "veil" that earlier seemed to cover the entire field of vision in his shadow images is blown away, revealing not just the remains of what once cast shadows, but an overwhelming, luminescent space. Morell develops these works out of figuration and sees them as distorted still lives, as a dilemma between abstraction and representational painting and sculpture.