Judit Kristensen SE, b. 1990


Even though there appears to be an auto biographical line in Judit Kristensens works, the works does not seem like depictions of surroundings but rather like implemented inner visions or staged scenes, like a stifled theather with pent-up drama and uncertain fate. The works let the viewer peek into uncanny private spheres with an underlying threat, and Netflix, Coca Cola bottles and previous days Cheerio bowls. There seems to be an existential core in the works, and recurring attempts to charge the mundane with emotional tension. The isolationist gloom, the thrembling interiors and psychologically loaded private rooms with an absinth green screen lighting that makes the cold pink vibrate, appears to pick up on a tradition left by Scandinavian modernists such as Edvard Munch, Vera Nilsson and Vilhelm Hammershøi.


Judit Kristensen (b. 1990, Sweden) lives in Antwerp and has a master in fine art from Umeå Art Academy. She has previously been part of group exhibitions in PLUS-ONE Gallery in Ant- werp, Eighteen Gallery in Copenhagen, Golsa Gallery in Oslo, Diskus in Aalst and Bildmuseet in Umeå, and had solo exhibitions at Artipelag in Stockholm, Ponti in Antwerp, Örnsköldsvik Museum of Art in Örnsköldsvik, Alta Art Space in Malmö, Galleri Syster in Luleå and Galeria Centofiorini in Civitanova Marche. She was the 2022 awardee of the Fredrik Roos grant, the highest awarded art grant in Scandinavia, and has been awarded grants from Eva and Hugo Bergman Foundation through Royal Academy of Art in Stockholm, the one year working grant from The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, KiK through Örnsköldsviks Konsthall and Samart- bete through Galleri Syster. Judit Kristensen’s works are part of public collections through the Soho House Collection, Trädgården Stockholm, Umeå Municipality, Skellefteå Municipality, Luleå Municipality and through the Public Art Agency of Sweden.
