Baldvin Einarsson


Baldvin Einarsson’s work is light-hearted and humorous, and rather focused on the inside. The artist considers psychological situations and uses the body as an allegory for mental powers. He explores personality and human interaction with a wink. Baldvin is also co-founder of the exhibition space & project ABC Klubhuis.


Recent exhibitions include: ‘Kitchen Project, Billytown The Kitchen’, NL (2019), ‘Melly opening’, Witte de With, Rotterdam, NL (2019), ‘Velvet Ropes’, Showhouse JJ, BE (2019), Góðan dag og nótt, Harbinger, Ijsland (2018); ‘Zalige dromen’, ABC Klubhuis, Antwerpen (2018); ‘Dixy night’, De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam (2018).


Currently: ‘Allt á sama tíma, Hafnarborg’, IS (2019).
