Flexboj &L.A. is an artist duo based in Brussels with a focus on painting. In their work they strive for an ever-evolving approach towards painting. This can be under-stood as a constant poetic dialog between themselves and the (art) world. As the subject of the painting is not their main focus this may causes a variety esthetics. Their true focus is painting in itself and the exploration of the medium, with the subject merely being an ex-cuse to start painting. In this process they try to explore all the possible ways of ‘applying paint on canvas’ while continually questioning the ‘how, what and why’ of the painting. These subjects used as a way of self-justification are often found images from various sources, high culture and low culture, remixed and manipulated together with their own views and visual language. As an artist duo they work together but not in the literal sense, not in a direct collaboration on one canvas. Almost all work is made separately but with a likeminded approach. Being each other’s harshest critics, the paintings are always a collaborative effort in ideas.