Yannick Val Gesto


The new works by Yannick Val Gesto are more personal than ever. Val Gesto became known for his work on internet culture, in which he appropriated and reworked deviant art and game aesthetics. As data anthropologist of sorts, he roamed the internet for material, with a special preference for game culture, memes and ‘deviant art’ found on forums and message boards. Many of his works are a testimony to the richness of internet culture, the radical democracy –or anarchy– of the medium, full of rough diamonds, and its non-hierarchical amalgam of creative expressions.


Yannick Val Gesto is most interested in cyberculture, psychology and image-making. His work explores the impact of globalization and digitalisation on our mental health. For this he delves into virtual worlds where he records and reflects upon his findings. He uses his monitor as a camera and a canvas, bringing together analog and digital techniques. Val Gesto’s drawings manifest from the tension between the subconscious mind and awareness. The beauty of human imperfection, emotion, and how this relates to digital aesthetics, accuracy.
