Helene Claes & Zach Bischop


The outside frame will be hand sculpted out of concrete and studded with 100-Watt Vanity Globe Light Bulbs. The inside mirror will be made out of dark polished casting resin (which should look like a slice of black mineral rock). The frame and mirror should stand on a dark wood pedestal. The Vanity Mirror can be a functional object as well as a commentary on the function of similar personal devices that are ubiquitous in contemporary society.
Looking into the mirror, one can contemplate the value of time spent on social media, whilst looking into a familiar black glass object. The Vanity Mirror offers an intimate experience, yet it does not only illuminate and reflect the facial features of its owner, it can help him/her shed a light on the nature of vanity and how it has warped society.


— Helene Claes & Zach Bischop
