Carlos Caballero CU, b. 1983


Carlos Caballero is graduated from the Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA) in Havana, 2010, and from the Fine Arts Academy of Camagüey in 2002.


Since many years ago he is producing paintings and works on paper, oscillating between quasi formalist grid systems, organic shapes and geometric elements. His approach to painting is slow and reflective.


Recent exhibitions include Regenerate, WIELS, Brussels (2021), FRAME, Sector 1 Gallery, Bucharest (2020), The Clown Spirit ROSSAERT (space owned by Ronny Van de Velde Gallery), Antwerp (2020), Time, after Time?, Whitehouse Gallery, Lovenjoel (2020), A black line across the page, Espronceda Institute of Art and Culture, Barcelona (2019), Di fuochi e accesi sensi, Galerie Greta Meert, Brussels (2019). His work is included in the Collectie Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Belgium, 21c Museum, Louisville, Kentucky, and private collections.
