Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven BE, b. 1951


Since the early eighties Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven has been prolific in her output of drawings, paintings, collages, video and digital works. A straightforward female tone prevails in all her works, in which the erotic meets machine-fetishism. In the nineties, handmade paper gave way to computer graphics; she now often appropriates images from soft-porn magazines which she then manipulates with the computer. Text has always featured alongside images, underlining the message of Van Kerckhoven’s proud, sometimes exhibitionist female figures. She demonstrates her interest in science and artificial intelligence, and their interaction with art, in a rather intuitive and associative way. Music also plays an important role in Van Kerckhoven’s creative production: she and her husband Danny Devos were key figures in Antwerp’s experimental music scene under the band name Club Moral.


She has been represented by Zeno X Gallery for more than thirty years.


Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven was invited for solo exhibitions at Fridericianum in Kassel, Kunstverein Hannover, Museum Abteiberg in Mönchengladbach, Kunstverein München in Munich, Kunsthalle Bern, The Renaissance Society in Chicago, FRAC Pays de la Loire in Carquefou, Mu.ZEE in Ostend, WIELS in Brussels, Kunsthalle Nürnberg, M HKA in Antwerp, DAAD in Berlin and Kunstmuseum Luzern, amongst others.


Her work has been included in numerous group shows at ICA in London, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo in Turin, Yale Union in Portland, S.M.A.K. in Ghent, Marta Herford in Herford, Bozar in Brussels, MAS in Antwerp, ICA in Philadelphia, The Art institute in New York, Shangai Art Museum, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo in Buenos Aires, San Francisco Art Institute, Kunsthal KAdE in Amersfoort, Neuer Aachener Kunstverein, amongst many others.
