Gretta Louw AUS, b. 1981


Gretta Louw her artistic practice explores the potential of art as a means of investigating psychological phenomena, particularly in relation to new technologies and the internet. Her focus is on how new digital technologies are shaping contemporary experiences in on/offline or other non-physical worlds. Often drawing on current and historical theories of psychological functioning, the artist seeks to test the boundaries and peculiarities of the human psyche and particularly its unconscious elements, plumbing the depths of her own unconscious. In this recent series of embroideries and paintings she is researching the overlap and impact of advanced technologies and culture, nature and society and how this can open portals to experience the transcendent or the sublime.


Gretta Louw has exhibited in several international public institutions like “Digital Combines” held at Honor Fraser Gallery in the United States (2022) and “Monsters of the Machine” LABoral (2016) in Spain.
