Frederik De Wilde BE, b. 1975

Frederik De Wilde acts on the border area between science, technology and art. The conceptual crux of his artistic praxis are the notions of the intangible, inaudible, invisible. Sometimes on the side of the technological, and often in the perceptual, conceptual, social—human—register, De Wilde’s art is grounded in the interaction between complex systems, both biological and technological. Moreover, the indistinct, diffuse, ‘fuzzy’ arena where the biological and the technological overlap and commingle is a productive and favored ground for his projects / projections. This post-camouflage AI beetle is invisible to the electronic eye or machine vision. The patterns are generated with neural networks and evolutionary algorithms to fool and mislead artificial intelligence-enabled systems


De Wilde has exhibited at notable places like (selection) BOZAR museum of fine arts (Belgium), Venice Biennial 2017, Whitechapel Gallery (UK) and many more. De Wilde’s art is in the permanent collection of the ZKM (Germany), Frost Museum (USA, Miami), CHOPARD. His work is also part of the collection of the Arab Bank in Switzerland in their special NFT section.
