Arvida Byström SE, b. 1991


Arvida Byström's work deals with the internet and its social,aesthetic and commercial implications. Her hyper-feminine aesthetics explore the complexities of femininity, identity, body image, social dynamics, emerging technologies and economic principles through primary photography, performance and sculpture work. Well known for her fruits in lingerie, where she plays with language and contextuel image-thinking, she was one of the first artists to artistically fight censorship on social media and the biased gender context towards nudity in these fora. Her most recent serie with Artificial Intelligence sex doll Harmony, in which she trains the doll as her digital yet physical avatar, she tackles the context of self love & expression, the power and limits of AI and standards of beauty. Her performances, lately at V&A museum London, are a continuation of the discourse set by artist as Abramović & Ulay.


Arvida Byström had numerous solo shows including Inflated Fiction (2018) held by Fotografiska and Artificial Scarcity (2021) in Gallery Steinsland Berliner in both in Stockholm, Sweden. She has also partaken in various group shows like “I Am Not a Robot” in Ludwig Museum Budapest (2022) and “NUDE” (2022) in the New York location of Fotografiska.
