Solo booth — Carole Vanderlinden 'Art On Paper' 2021: BOZAR, RAVENSTEINSTRAAT 23, B-1000 BRUSSEL

15 - 19 September 2021 

Find us at Booth 14


Carole Vanderlinden’s (b. 1973, Belgium) paintings always look different despite recurrent elements such as oblique passe-partouts, plant motifs, skies and expanses of water, contrasts between thick and thin or matt and shiny painted sections and textures. Her paintings appear to be sober settings for minor, sensual accidents which, once noticed, monopolize your attention, but then retreat coyly: a spot, a flowing element in a geometrically constructed painting, or a color which suddenly takes on a seemingly luminous quality.


The fair will take place in BOZAR during the following dates:
Tuesday 14 September, 13 — 20:00 : VIP opening (by invitation only)
Wednesday 15 September — 19 September:
10 — 12:00 
: reserved for VIPs (by invitation only)
12 — 19:00 * : public opening (by reservation only)


Hours can slightly change